
Submission Procedure and Policies

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit their full papers in English through the EDAS platform. All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process for an acceptance decision. Accepted authors will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference, and their manuscripts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Paper Format

Submitted papers must be between 8-12 pages in length, including figures and references. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts adhere to the required styles, fonts, and formatting as specified in the provided template. By submitting, authors agree to reformat their papers to comply with any future updates to the submission template.


All papers submitted to ICOMIT 2025 must be prepared using the official template for the Springer Information Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM) book series

Review Process

  1. Submitted manuscripts will first undergo a plagiarism check. A maximum similarity index of 25% is allowed.
  2. Manuscripts that pass the plagiarism check will proceed to a formal single-blind peer review process, involving three reviewers selected based on expertise. The review process will take up to one month.
  3. Manuscripts requiring minor or major revisions may still be accepted, provided they align with the conference's aims and scope. The revised manuscript must be resubmitted within two weeks.
  4. Initial reviewers will evaluate revised manuscripts, and the final decision on acceptance lies with the editor-in-chief.

Review Criteria

Reviewers assess manuscripts based on originality, methodology, adherence to ethical guidelines, clarity of results, and strength of conclusions. However, reviewers are not expected to perform detailed copyediting or language corrections.

Conference Policies

  1. Type of Peer Review: ICOMIT employs a double-blind review method, ensuring anonymity of both authors and reviewers.
  2. Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are chosen for their expertise and experience. While authors may suggest reviewers, these suggestions may or may not be used.
  3. No-Show Policy: Papers must be presented by one of the authors at the scheduled conference session. Failure to present will result in the paper's exclusion from the final proceedings.
  4. Dual Submission: Submitting papers that are identical or substantially similar to those already published or under review elsewhere is prohibited. The organizers reserve the right to reject or remove such submissions.
  5. Ethics: Plagiarism and other unethical behaviors are strictly prohibited. Use of text generated by large-scale language models (e.g., ChatGPT) is permitted only if explicitly acknowledged and used as part of the experimental analysis. Suspected unethical conduct will be investigated, and violations may lead to sanctions or disclosure to relevant organizations.
  6. Withdrawal and Blacklisting: If a paper that has undergone the review process is withdrawn by the author for any reason, the paper will be recorded with submission restrictions, and the authors may face limitations on submitting to future editions of the conference or related events. This policy ensures fairness and integrity in the review process, as well as respect for the efforts of reviewers and editors.
  7. Refund and Submission Restrictions: Once an author has completed the registration and payment process, withdrawing the paper will result in the payment being non-refundable. Furthermore, the paper will be noted with submission restrictions, and the authors may face limitations on participating in future editions of the conference or related events. This policy is established to uphold fairness, acknowledge the administrative efforts involved, and ensure efficient use of the conference's resources.

Author Guidelines

  • Authors must replace their names with "Author" and the year in the bibliography and footnotes for double-blind peer review. Personal identifiers should not appear in the manuscript.
  • Authors must remove personal information from file properties in Microsoft Office documents before submission. This can be done by selecting File > Save As > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Remove personal information from file properties on save.
  • All included URLs must be active and clickable.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided on this site will be used exclusively for conference-related purposes and will not be shared or used for any other purposes.


Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 12, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: July 7, 2025
Early bird Registration Deadline: July 14, 2025
Regular Registration Deadline: July 21, 2025
Camera Ready Paper Submission: July 21, 2025
ICOMIT 2025 Main Event: August 25 - 26, 2025

All times and date are in GMT +7.